
Professional Experiences

Discover cutting-edge strategies to enhance your career and achieve your goals


About us

Aligned Corporate Experiences is a professional development learning provider company specialized in teaching the skill set of Alignment. We are dedicated to providing unique training and development programs to help businesses and professionals thrive in today's competitive and ever-changing environments.

With a focus on delivering outstanding solutions and impactful experiences, our team is committed to helping organizations and individuals reach their full potential. Let us help you align your professional goals with meaningful and effective development initiatives.

Strategizing Professional Experiences 

Alignment Education

Gain the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your career with our workshops and online courses.  Learn Best Practices for developing your Strategic Thinking acumen to succeed in any environment

Alignment University

Career Transition

The average professional changes careers about 5-7 times during their working life.  Approximately 30% of the total workforce is now open to changing jobs every 2-3 years.  Read our books and learn from our programs and strategies to help you uplevel and make your transitions smooth 

We can help!

Career Wellness

Personal wellbeing impacts organizational culture and one's ability to be an effective team player and leader.  Let us teach you how to set yourself up for success so that those around you can benefit too.  Learn all about Alignment

View the Alignment Iceberg

Our offerings on Alignment

  • Master Workshop Program for Organizations
  • Self-Paced Courses for Professionals and for Leaders
  • Books 
  • Workbook 
  • Blog
  • Newsletter
  • Podcast
  • Community
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What's In It for You? 

Understand Your Value

When we are confident about the skills we own, we tend to attract healthier experiences from our environments

Elevate Your Mindset

When we do, we tend to align ourselves with people, circumstances, and events that are more conducive to our successes

Work Smart

Allowing our skills to speak for themselves is a skill.  What we focus on matters.  Let's create momentum in the right direction

Self-Coaching Freebie

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Leadership Styles Freebie

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Eva Karlsson, Senior Consultant

"Learning key skills to develop your strategic thinking acumen is something I never considered would be a key to my career.  I am impressed with how detailed this is explained and how specific the examples are that have helped me relate. I feel motivated to succeed in a way I had not considered before."

Eddie Chang, Manager

"Before participating in "The Strategic Business of Working" program, I had an elementary perception of my role as a leader.  Today, my leadership style has evolved and my strategic thinking acumen is highly developed.  I highly recommend it to anyone looking to becoming a better professional and leader."

John Delgado, Specialist

"I needed clarity on how things really work once I entered a new industry.  While I had transferable skills, there was a lot I still needed to understand to be successful in my new environment and this is what made things finally click for me.  The workshops and courses I took are the best investments I've made in myself and in my career since leaving school." 

The Concept of Alignment

Alignment leads to success. The key to creating and designing experiences that work in our favor lies in our ability to understand human dynamics, how experiences unravel circumstantially and how to go about managing them effectively. The approach is simply a matter of mastering Strategic Thinking acumen via the skill set of Alignment. To be the leaders we wish we had, one others wish they had and impact our experiences effectively requires this competency.  The result:  our professional value increases and we hold the quality of being a high performing professional and an authentic leader, consistently. Learn from our exceptionally valued and sought-after programs.  We combine knowledge and citizenry that serve to elevate its participants, leaving them with (professional) confidence and a blueprint to leverage so they can operate as the best version of themselves on a continuum, regardless of the environments they find themselves in.  Individuals, teams and organizations benefit on a global level.

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